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Positive and Negative Sentiments Regarding BPJS-Kesehatan Premium Increase: An Analysis Using Text Data Mining on Twitter | Putra | International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020

Positive and Negative Sentiments Regarding BPJS-Kesehatan Premium Increase: An Analysis Using Text Data Mining on Twitter

Dewa Ngakan Gde Wahyu Mahatma Putra, Ricko Pratama Ridzkyanto, Globila Nurika


Indonesia is the 5th most Twitter user in the
world. Twitter is a frequently used social media to
express opinions and provide responses about up to date
events. One of the events that has been disscused lately
on Twitter was the national health insurance (BPJSKesehatan)
premium increase at January 1st, 2020
which has led to various responses from the public. This
research aimed to analyze the response of Indonesian
sentiment on Twitter regarding BPJS-Kesehatan premium
increase. This research was an observational research that
used web scraping Indonesian tweet data with «BPJS»
keyword from January 13th to February 12th, 2020. Data
analysis was carried out through the preprocessing stages,
then continued using the lexical analysis and scoring. The
results of analysis divided the public sentiment regarding
BPJS-Kesehatan premium increase into three groups:
negative, positive, and neutral. From 38.038 tweets about
“BPJSâ€, 36,97% were negative sentiment, 27,01% were
positive sentiment, and 36% were neutral sentiment. The
tenth most frequently words that showed in tweets about
“BPJS†were: “bayarâ€, “iurâ€, “rakyatâ€, “gasâ€, “sakitâ€,
“kerjaâ€, “obatâ€, “orangâ€, “kelasâ€, “naikâ€. Further
analysis of the “BPJS†keyword showed that the majority
of tweets were negative sentiment about BPJS-Kesehatan
premium increase, salary incentive for BPJS-Kesehatan’s
management, hospital and medication service, and public
urged to downgrade their class membership. Therefore,
BPJS-Kesehatan needs to notice and follow up on public
opinion for evaluation the realization of Universal Health
Coverage in Indonesia.

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