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Transforming The Manual Electronic Medical Record to Electronic Medical Record in RSI Klaten | Khoiriyah | International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020

Transforming The Manual Electronic Medical Record to Electronic Medical Record in RSI Klaten

Fajar Rofik Nur Khoiriyah, Nur Rokhman


RSI Klaten has been implemented an electronic
medical record for the out patient and emergency services.
This research was conducted to describe the steps needed
to transform the manual medical record into electronic
medical record services.Objective: To find out the process
needed to transform the manual to electronic medical
records at RSI KlatenMethod: This research is a qualitative
descriptive study with a phenomenological approach.
The research subjects were seven people consisting of
registration officers, nurses, reporting officers, pharmacy
officers, radiology officers, laboratory officers and head
of medical records. Data collecting was carried out by
observation techniques, interviews, and documentation
studies. The validity test was carried out by triangulation.
Results: The transformation process was initiated by
the leader with full support. There were many related
activities namely a comparative study, awareness for the
transformation, system trial, mentoring and socialized
the filling of the EMR, RSI Kalten began to implement
the EMR, conducted global and periodic evaluations.
Conclusions: The transformation process of manual to
electronic medical records in RSI Klaten was suitable to
the Nine Phase Change Process Model of Anderson and
Anderson’s even though it was carried out by RSI Klaten
under the supervision of the EMR and Electronic Data
Processing team committee.

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