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Blood Glucose Control in Patient Diabetes Mellitus During Covid-19: Literature Riview | Widiastuti | International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020

Blood Glucose Control in Patient Diabetes Mellitus During Covid-19: Literature Riview

Agung Widiastuti, Muzaroah Ermawati Ulkhasanah, Yulistiani Mustiah, Purnama Sismika Sokkiani, Anisa Indah Prastiti


Covid-19 pandemic which is currently a health
problem in various countries including Indonesia.
People with diabetes and comorbidities are at a higher
risk of developing complications and death related to
Covid-19. Elderly, people who have comorbidities such as
hypertension, hyperglycemia, heart and immune system
diseases that can make the situation worse. Most Covid-19
patients who do not have comorbidities experience
mild symptoms, while diabetics have a higher risk of
experiencing severe symptoms. Optimizing glycemic
control and adopting measures to prevent the spread of
disease are important aspects. Objective: Knowing the
management blood glucose control in patient diabetic
mellitus during pandemic Covid-19. Method: Searching
relevant for data base literature sources using Ebsco,
Pubmed, Sciencedirect, and Google Scholar search engine
using Keywords: glucose control And Diabetes Mellitus
And Covid-19 from the searching appropriate results with
the inclusion and exclusion criteria, that can be seven
articles include literature review where the article is taken
using PICO analysis. Results: Management of controlling
blood glucose levels during the Covid-19 pandemic can
be done in various ways, such as using telemedicine,
diet, physical activity, and medication. Conclusion:
From various recommendations for the most effective
management during Covid-19, the use of telemedicine in
blood glucose control and consultation related to diabetes

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