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How WhatsApp Group Information Influence People’s Perception About Covid-19? | Igiany | International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020

How WhatsApp Group Information Influence People’s Perception About Covid-19?

Prita Devy Igiany, Farid Setyo Nugroho


The development of the internet and social media
has become a necessity to communicate and access
information and to disseminate information to everyone.
Social media does have many benefits, but on the other
hand there are also many downsides. The correctness of
information on social media is very difficult to measure.
Covid-19 is a topic that is very often shared in the WA
group at this time. The aim of this study is to see how
the information about Covid-19 influence people’s
perception about Covid-19. The study was conducted
in April – June 2020 used quantitative approach survey
method with 400 respondents in Sukoharjo District. The
respondents were selected by quota sampling, then the
data that conducted was analyzed by a correlation nonparametric
test, Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient.
The result shows that information from WhatsApp Group
can influence people’s perception of Covid-19 (p<0,05).
Correlation coefficient -0,220 shows negative correlation
with weak correlation strength. This means information
that disseminate in WhatsApp Group have 22% effect to
people’s perception about Covid-19.

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