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Outpatient Android Application to Facilitate Patient Registration at RSAU dr. Siswanto Lanud Adi Soemarmo | Andriani | International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020

Outpatient Android Application to Facilitate Patient Registration at RSAU dr. Siswanto Lanud Adi Soemarmo

Lina Andriani, Luna Reksia Ananda, Tominanto Tominanto, Nurhayati Nurhayati


In the current era, the development of mobile
technology is very developing including in the health
sector. Mobile technology in the health sector is numerous
once used in health services such as clinics, health centers,
and hospital, development in mobile technology health
services viz use android application which is useful to
facilitate hospitals and patients to exchange information.
Along with these developments, RSAU dr. Siswanto
Lanud Adi Soemarmo as a place of research wants
change development in mobile technology in android
applications. RSAU dr. Siswanto Lanud Adi Soemarmo is
a type C hospital the outpatient registration is still manual
using paper in filling patient data and have not applied
electronic medical record, so patients long wait while
queuing. Strategies carried out in order to accelerate
the deep servies namely by making an outpatient-based
registration procedures, patient data, doctor data,
political data, payment methid data, and registration
data. Subject research, namely outpatient registration
officers, for the research object is the flow and outpatient
registration procedure in RSAU dr. Siswanto Lanud
Adi Soemarmo. Research instrument with observation
guidelines and interview, and use the system development
method System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Androidbased
outpatient registration application in RSAU dr.
Siswanto Lanud Adi Soemarmo was developed to make
it easier patients when registering without having to wait
long application. (Abstract)

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