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Case study of Factors Causing Lost to Follow Up of HIV Patients in Antiretroviral Treatment at Kencong Public Health Center, Jember, East Java | Hikmah | International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020

Case study of Factors Causing Lost to Follow Up of HIV Patients in Antiretroviral Treatment at Kencong Public Health Center, Jember, East Java

Faiqatul Hikmah, Septianingtyas Risti Anggraeni, Hari Basuki Notobroto, Ervina Rachmawati, Ida Nurmawati


The key to the success of HIV / AIDS treatment is
ARV therapy. Continuous therapy can inhibit the spread
of HIV infection in the body and improve the quality of
life of patients. Lost to follow-up is the absence patient
to return to the VCT clinic according to the date of the
drug agreement and consultation. The Kencong Public
Health Center found a problem regarding lost to follow
up (LTFU). The purpose of this research was to analyze
the factors that can cause loss to follow up antiretroviral
(ARV) treatment in HIV patients in Kencong Health
Center. The type of this research was qualitative, and this
research used six patients. The results of this research that
the knowledge of patients is still lacking, especially the
way of virus transmission and the side effects caused and
the location of the HIV in the body, meanwhile scheduling
knowledge of patients is excellent. Respondents have a
positive attitude towards ARV treatment. The book uses to
record the patient’s visit data has been deemed capable of
controlling the arrival of the patient. There are still many
patients who don’t carry a patient card when they want to
take medicine. Counselors and doctors have provided the
best motivation during the counseling process.

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