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Designing and Manufacturing Application of Electronic Medical Record for Clinic Dental in Health | Farlinda | International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020

Designing and Manufacturing Application of Electronic Medical Record for Clinic Dental in Health

Sustin Farlinda, Feby Erawantini, Anggun Puspitasari, Saiful Anwar


The development of information technology (IT) in
the health sector is very rapid. Electronic medical record
is the result of the development of these technologies
trends in health services globally. Specifically medical
records for dental clinic are different or more complex
than medical records for other clinic. In accordance
with the National Standard for Dental Medical Records
and must comply with Permenkes Republik Indonesia
number of 269 at 2008 concerning medical records and
Law Number of 29 at 2004 regarding Medical Practice /
Dentistry . Medical records of dental cases use clinical
odontograms and approval of actions if necessary. Dental
poly medical record officers are still having difficulty in
data management process of special polygigi outpatient
healthcare care because they are still manual, whereas
medical records in the dental clinic complex with its
odontogram require an electronic medical record
application. This study aims to make the application of
electronic medical records in health services based on
national standards of dental medical records in which can
scan and store patient odontogram data electronically.
The making of this electronic medical record application
uses the programming language Micrososft Visual Foxpro
9.0 using the SDLC method, while the data collection
method uses interviews, observation, documentation and
brainstorming. The output of this research is a software
product or application of clinic dental electronic medical
records in Health Services.

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