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Effectiveness of Interprofesional Education Implementation in Health Services: Literature Review | Wahyudi | International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020

Effectiveness of Interprofesional Education Implementation in Health Services: Literature Review

Totok Wahyudi, Endrat Kartiko Utomo, Susi Lastianingsih, Panji Azali, Oktavia Nurcahyani


The demands of people’s need for health services in
the global era will continue to change because the health
problems faced by the community are also constantly
changing. Changes in health or nursing services are
integral to the development and change of nursing in
Indonesia. In fact, it becomes a strange or unnecessary
thing if the general public and the environment are
constantly changing, while nursing which is part of the
community does not change in managing the life of the
nursing profession. The World Health Organization
(WHO) officially recognized the importance of interprofessional
learning in its report Learning Together
for Collaborative Work for Health.Contributions from
various disciplines have had a positive impact in solving
various health problems and improving the quality of
health services. Interprofessional education (IPE) is
one of the education systems initiated by WHO as an
integrated education system to prepare collaborative
practices. IPE occurs when two or more professions
learn and are able to collaborate in improving health.
Purpose: Understanding “Interprofessional Education
(IPE): effects in professional practice and its results for
health†Method: This research was a literature review
that using several articles taken from the database of
electronic publications such as SAGE, Science Direct,
EBSCO, grey literartur. Result: The results of this study
showed that 9 articles meet the criteria of inclusion From
the review of the article obtained the subject that IPE
can be used as a curriculum in universities and health
faculties, and conducted the evaluation process of IPE,
knowing the factors that affect IPE, the advantages and
disadvantages of the implementation of IPE, the views
of health workers on IPE, how the teaching method
in explaining IPE, providing experience to students in
terms of field practice , student perspectives related to
the experience of implementing IPE and IPC, promoting
a system of collaboration with other medical personnel
in terms of technological advances. Conclusion: Interprofessional
Education and Collaboration needs to be
implemented in the learning curriculum at a university in
order to prepare competent health workers and able to
collaborate with other teams. It is necessary to evaluate
the implementation of IPE in order to later be able to
provide further input related to collaboration or IPE in a
work unit or academics. So that later the IPE program can
run in line with the development of health workers who
continue to improve service to patients and collaboration
in teams.

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