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Legal Protection of Work Safety and Health Medical Records Filing Unit Officers in X Hospital of Kediri | Susilowati | International Proceedings The 2nd ISMoHIM 2020

Legal Protection of Work Safety and Health Medical Records Filing Unit Officers in X Hospital of Kediri

Indah Susilowati, Wisnaningsih Wisnaningsih, Chury Wardah Nihayati


Each hospital has planned efforts to improve
work health and safety for everything in the hospital
environment, namely human resources, patients, patiens
family, and visitors, according to the development of
science and technology and the development of the law.
However, the protection of health workers in hospitals
is often ignored, and as a result, in the future, there
are undesirable things such as workplace accidents or
the emergence of occupational diseases The purpose
of this study was to determine the legal protection of
medical records officers related to occupational health
and safety in the filing section of X Hospital in Kediri.
The research design used observational and descriptive
purposive sampling techniques with a population of the
medical records filing section. Collecting data using
procedural observation checklist and interviews with the
filing room medical records officer. Results of research
at X Hospital in Kediri there has been no regulation on
health and safety the applicable laws and regulations.
Medical record officers have not been consistent in the
use of personal protective equipment. It is also known that
there are potential fire hazards and a stack of documents.
The conclusion in the X Hospital in Kediri unprotected
corresponding legal regulations on health and safety at
work and may be subject to sanctions that can harm the
hospital. Anticipating this problem requires socialization
about the use of personal protective equipment before
working and rearranging workspace that is comfortable,
safe and supports occupational safety and health

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